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State Laws

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Smart RGB Bluetooth Glorails 16 million colors to choose from
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Texas Laws Regarding Overglow and Underglow lights

The use of additional aftermarket vehicle lighting while driving would be considered legal in Texas as long as you follow these restrictions:

  • You may want to avoid flashing, rotating and oscillating lights, but they will be allowed in an emergency

  • Make sure that there are no red lights that are visible from the front of your car

  • To be safe, avoid using flashing lights

  • Avoid red and blue aftermarket lights and underglow as well as combinations of red, blue and white lights

  • Only white and amber aftermarket lights and underglow are allowed on your motorcycle

  • Fender lights and running board courtesy lamps on your car are allowed in Texas


Mississippi Laws Regarding Overglow and Underglow lights

"Mississippi law does not restrict additional after-market vehicle lighting which would include neon overglow or underglow, but it does restrict colors which may be visible while the car is in motion. Therefore it’s our conclusion that in Mississippi neon overglow or underglow is not illegal."

  • all lights visible from the front of the car must be white or amber

  • all lights visible from the side of the car must be amber

  • all lights visible from the back of the car must be red

  • license plate illumination must be white

  • no flashing lights may be used


  • However our "Red & Amber Signal Glorails" are legal in this state since they function like a turn signal.
  • ​
  • RGB Models can be dimmed to this states legal standards.
  • ​
  • Flashing colored lights are illegal except in an actual emergency or life threatening situation! "example" Changing flat tire on the interstate...

​Massachusetts Laws Regarding Overglow and Underglow lights

Massachusetts law specifically forbids the usage of after-market lighting and neon overglow or underglow. Therefore it’s our conclusion that in Massachusetts neon overglow or underglow is not legal.
Police & Fire Departments get your police/Fire models of Glorails here.
Get your Amber Hazard Glorails here.

  • No person shall mount or display any lighting device which does not comply with Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Regulations, 49 CFR Part 571, unless specifically allowed by M.G.L. c. 90, §7. Such prohibited devices shall include, but not be limited to, neon undercarriage lighting.

    No motor vehicle so operated shall mount or display a flashing, rotating or oscillating light in any direction except pursuant to section seven E of this chapter; provided, however, that this shall not apply to the use of rear directional signals nor to the proper use of vehicle hazard warning signals as provided for by this section. [...]

    Every motor vehicle registered in the commonwealth shall be equipped with a device to permit the front and rear directional signals to flash simultaneously, said device to be operated only when the vehicle is disabled or stopped in the event of emergency on or at the side of any way.

    No motor vehicle operated pursuant to section seven other than fire apparatus, ambulances, vehicles specified in subsection (b) of section 50 of chapter 33, school buses, vehicles specified in section seven D used for transporting school children, and vehicles specified in section seven I shall mount or display a flashing, rotating or oscillating red light in any direction [...]

    No motor vehicle, as hereinbefore provided, requiring a permit from the registrar, shall mount or display a blue light on such vehicle until proper application has been made.


Montana Laws Regarding Overglow and Underglow lights

Montana law does specifically mention neon underglow or overglow being allowed. Therefore it’s our conclusion that in Montana neon underglow  or overglow is not illegal, according to the following restrictions:

  • No flashing, rotating, or oscillating lights are permitted.

  • Colors blue, red, and green are prohibited.

  • License plate illumination must be white

  • ​

  • Green, blue and red colors are typically used on emergency vehicles, and expressly forbidden by MT law which otherwise permits underbody glow.

  • If the vehicle is not on a highway or public road, all car underglow colors are legal for use.

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  • (1) Any motor vehicle may be equipped with not more than two side cowl or fender lamps which shall emit an amber or white light without glare.

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  • (2) Any motor vehicle may be equipped with not more than one running board courtesy lamp on each side thereof which shall emit a white or amber light without glare.

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  • (3) Any motor vehicle may be equipped with not more than two backup lamps either separately or in combination with other lamps, but any such backup lamps shall not be lighted when the motor vehicle is in forward motion.

  • ​

  • (4) Any vehicle may be equipped with lamps which may be used for the purpose of warning the operators of other vehicles of the presence of a vehicular traffic hazard […] shall display simultaneously flashing white or amber lights, or any shade of color between white and amber.


Illinois Laws Regarding Overglow and Underglow lights

Illinois law restricts vehicles from having additional lighting not specified in the Vehicle Code. Therefore it’s our conclusion that in Illinois neon underglow is illegal.

All model Glorails are illegal in this state except for emergency vehicles.
  • Use this device at your own risk.
  • ​
  • (b) Subject to the restrictions of this Act, flashing lights are prohibited on motor vehicles except as a means for indicating a right or left turn as provided in Section 12-208 or the presence of a vehicular traffic hazard requiring unusual care as expressly provided in Sections 11-804 or 12-215.

  • ​

  • (c) Unless otherwise expressly authorized by this Code, all other lighting or combination of lighting on any vehicle shall be prohibited.

  • ​

  • The use of red or white oscillating, rotating or flashing lights, whether lighted or unlighted, is prohibited except on:

  • ​

  • Law enforcement vehicles of State, Federal or local authorities;

  • A vehicle operated by a police officer or county

  • Vehicles of local fire departments and State or federal firefighting vehicles;

  • Vehicles which are designed and used exclusively as ambulances or rescue vehicles


Idaho Laws Regarding Overglow and Underglow lights

Idaho law does not restrict additional aftermarket vehicle lighting equipment which would include neon overglow or underglow. Therefore it’s our conclusion that overglow or underglow is legal in Idaho, as long as you follow these restrictions:

  • All model Glorails are legal for off-road use in this state
  • Use this device at your own risk. 
  • ​
  • No red color may be visible from the front of the car - Glorails are not visible from the front of the vehicle

  • No flashing lights are permitted except in a emergency for example changing a flat tire on the interstate

  • Only red color may be visible on the rear of the car - Glorails are side mounted

  • License plate illumination must be white

  • Blue color is prohibited except for off-road


Indiana Laws Regarding Overglow and Underglow lights

Indiana law does not restrict additional aftermarket vehicle lighting which would include neon overglow or underglow. Therefore it’s our conclusion that in the state of Indiana neon overglow or underglow is not illegal, as long as you follow these restrictions

Use this device at your own risk.

  • License plate illumination must be white

  • Flashing lights are prohibited

  • All combinations of red, blue, white, and amber colors are illegal

  • ​

  • Sec. 1. A privately owned vehicle belonging to a licensed paramedic, certified advanced emergency medical technician, certified emergency medical technician, certified emergency medical service driver, or certified emergency medical responder while traveling in the line of duty in connection with emergency medical services activities may display flashing or revolving green lights, subject to the following restrictions and conditions

  • ​

  • (5) The green lights may not be a part of the regular head lamps displayed on the vehicle.

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  • (6) For a person to be authorized under this chapter to display a flashing or revolving green light on the person’s vehicle, the person must first secure a written permit from the executive director of the department of homeland security to use the light. The permit must be carried by the person when the light is displayed.

  • ​

  • Sec. 19. (a) A vehicle may be equipped with lamps that may be used for the purpose of warning the operators of other vehicles of the presence of a vehicular traffic hazard requiring the exercise of unusual care in approaching, overtaking, or passing. The vehicles,when so equipped, may display the warning in addition to any other warning signals required by this article.

  • ​

  • (b) A lamp used to display a warning to the front must be mounted at the same level and as widely spaced laterally as practicable, and must display simultaneously flashing white or amber lights or any shade of color between white and amber.

  • ​

  • (c) A lamp used to display a warning to the rear must be mounted at the same level and as widely spaced laterally as practicable, and must show simultaneously flashing amber or red lights or any shade of color between red and amber.

Purple Glorails

Georgia Laws Regarding Overglow and Underglow lights

Georgia law does not restrict additional aftermarket vehicle lighting which would include neon overglow or underglow. Therefore it’s our conclusion that in Georgia neon overglow or underglow is not illegal, as long as you follow these restrictions
Not all model Glorails are legal in this state.
Our RGB Glorails have these forbidden colors. However we are currently developing a controller omitting these colors and this model will be legal in this state in the near future.

  • Red, blue, violet and green colors are expressly forbidden - Currently we can't sell you our RGB Glorails models except to police departments or for emergency vehicle use. But we do offer LED static colored Glorails that can be legal. Message below for price

  • License plate illumination must be white

  • Flashing lights are prohibited except in an emergency like changing flat tire on the interstate.

  • ​

  • (b) Nothing in this article shall be construed to prohibit the use of additional parts and accessories on any vehicle, which use is not inconsistent with the provisions of this article.

    The color in all lighting equipment covered in this title shall be in accordance with Society of Automotive Engineers (SAE) Standard J578, April, 1965, as thereafter revised or amended.

    (a) (1) Except as provided in this paragraph and subsection (b) of this Code section, it shall be unlawful for any person, firm, or corporation to operate any motor vehicle equipped with or containing a device capable of producing any blue lights, whether flashing, blinking, revolving, or stationary, except:

    (A) Motor vehicles owned or leased by any federal, state, or local law enforcement agency;

    (B) Motor vehicles with a permit

purple glorails

Hawaii Laws Regarding Overglow and Underglow lights

Hawaii law does not restrict additional aftermarket vehicle lighting which includes neon overglow or underglow. Therefore it’s our conclusion that in Hawaii neon overglow or underglow is not illegal, as long as you follow these restrictions.


All model Glorails are legal for off-road use in this state
According to the law as it is written overglow or underglow is not illegal. However according to the Hawaii PD website underglow is illegal. It is sad when the police can't abide by the law. So we can not confirm or deny the legality of this device in hawaii. Use this device at your own risk.

  • Red, green and blue colors are not permitted except for emergency vehicles

  • License plate illumination must be white

  • ​

  • §291-31.5 Blue lights prohibited for motor vehicles, motorcycles, motor scooters, bicycles, mopeds. (a) No person shall knowingly operate, affix or cause to be affixed, display, or possess any lamp, reflector, or illumination device that appears to be the color blue, or colors blue and red, upon any motor vehicle, motorcycle, motor scooter, bicycle, or moped except for:

  • (1) County law enforcement vehicles authorized and approved by the chief of police of the county in which the vehicle is operated;

  • ​

  • (2) Department of public safety law enforcement vehicles with blue and red lamps, reflectors, or illumination devices authorized and approved by the director of public safety; or

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  • (3) Department of land and natural resources division of conservation and resources enforcement vehicles with blue and red lamps, reflectors, or illumination devices authorized and approved by the chairperson of the board of land and natural resources.

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  • (b) Any violation of this section shall be punished by a fine not exceeding $1,000, or by imprisonment not exceeding one year, or both.

  • ​

  • This prohibition shall not apply to factory-installed instrument illumination.


​Colorado Laws Regarding Overglow and Underglow lights

Colorado law does not restrict additional aftermarket vehicle lighting which would include neon overglow or underglow. Therefore it’s appears that in Colorado neon overglow or underglow is not illegal

  • All Model Glorails are legal in this state since these are rear mounted and not visible from the front if properly dimmed and if you follow the restrictions found below.

  • ​

  • Green colored lights are explicitly forbidden

  • Red or blue light may not be visible from the front of the car

Yellow Glorails

Delaware Laws Regarding Overglow and Underglow lights

Delaware law does not restrict additional aftermarket vehicle lighting which would include neon overglow or underglow. Therefore it’s our conclusion that in Delaware neon overglow or underglow is not illegal, as long as you follow these restrictions

  • All model Glorails are legal for off-road use in this state
  • ​
  • All lights visible from the front or front sides of the car should be white or amber - Glorails pass

  • All lights visible on the rear or rear side of the car should be red or amber - Based on the model of Glorails they do comply

  • Red color should not be visible from the front of the vehicle - Glorails are not visible from the front

  • License plate illumination must be white

  • Flashing lights are prohibited except in an life threatening emergency like changing a flat tire on the interstate


Florida Laws Regarding Overglow and Underglow lights

Florida law does not restrict additional aftermarket vehicle lighting which would include neon overglow or underglow. Therefore it’s our conclusion that in Florida neon overglow or underglow are legal, as long as you follow these restrictions:
Rear to near rear side mounted devices that function with or in conjunction with existing vehicles signaling system is legal.

  • Red lights may not be visible from the front of the car : (Our Glorails are not visible from the front)

  • Blue colored lights are prohibited on any part of the vehicle

  • All lights on the rear of the vehicle must be red : (Our Glorails are side mounted and can be considered rear mounted in some situation's depending on the Glorails model)

  • Flashing lights are prohibited except in emergency

  • License plate illumination must be white

  • ​

  • (1) No person shall drive or move or cause to be moved any vehicle or equipment upon any highway within this state with any lamp or device thereon showing or displaying a red or blue light visible from directly in front thereof except for certain vehicles hereinafter provided.

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  • (2) It is expressly prohibited for any vehicle or equipment, except police vehicles, to show or display blue lights. However, vehicles owned, operated, or leased by the Department of Corrections or any county correctional agency may show or display blue lights when responding to emergencies

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  • (7) Flashing lights are prohibited on vehicles except as a means of indicating a right or left turn, to change lanes, or to indicate that the vehicle is lawfully stopped or disabled upon the highway


Michigan Laws Regarding Overglow and Underglow lights

Michigan law explicitly prohibits additional vehicle lighting while the vehicle is on public roads. Therefore it’s our conclusion that in Michigan neon overglow or underglow is illegal while driving

  • However our "Red , White & Amber Signal Glorails" are arguably legal in this state since they can function like an additional turn signal or just running lights.

Purple Glorails

Alabama Laws Regarding Overglow and Underglow lights

Alabama law does not specifically restrict additional aftermarket vehicle lighting which would include neon overglow or underglow. Therefore it’s our conclusion that in Alabama neon overglow or underglow is not illegal, as long as you follow these restrictions:

  • No red lights may be visible from the front of the vehicle - Glorails are not visible from the front

  • License plate illumination must be white

  • Flashing lights are prohibited unless in life threatening situation like changing a flat tire on the interstate or off-road


​Arkansas Laws Regarding Overglow and Underglow lights

Arkansas law does restrict additional aftermarket vehicle lighting which may include neon overglow or underglow. Therefore it’s our conclusion that in Arkansas neon overglow or underglow is illegal, but note the following restrictions:

  • All model Glorails are legal for off-road use in this state
  • ​
  • Only two additional ornamental lights are permitted on the front of the vehicle, which must be white

  • License plate illumination must be white

  • No red, blue or green lights may be visible from the front of the vehicle - Glorails are not visible from the front

  • No flashing lights are allowed unless in an emergency situation like changing a tire on the interstate

  • Our Signal Glorails are probably illegal

  • ​

  • (b) (1) No person shall drive or move any vehicle or equipment upon any highway with any lamp or device thereon displaying a red, blue, or green light visible from directly in front of the center thereof.

    (c) Flashing lights are prohibited except on an authorized emergency vehicle, school bus, or on any vehicle as a means of indicating a right or left turn, or the presence of a vehicular traffic hazard requiring unusual care in approaching, overtaking, or passing.

    It is unlawful to operate any motor vehicle on a public street or highway with any auxiliary driving lights on unless the lights are original equipment lighting installed by the vehicle manufacturer prior to the initial retail sale of the motor vehicle, fog lamps conforming to the provisions set forth in 27-36-214(b), auxiliary driving or passing lamps conforming to the provisions set forth in 27-36-214(c) and (d), or ornamental light-emitting diodes white lights conforming to the provisions set forth in 27-36-214(e).

    (a)Any motor vehicle may be equipped with not more than two (2) side cowl or fender lamps which shall emit an amber or white light without glare.

    (b)Any motor vehicle may be equipped with not more than one (1) running-board courtesy lamp on each side which shall emit a white light without glare.


Arizona Laws Regarding Overglow and Underglow lights

Arizona law does not restrict additional aftermarket vehicle lighting which would include neon overglow or underglow. Therefore it’s our conclusion that in Arizona neon overglow or underglow is not illegal, as long as you follow these restrictions:

  • Flashing lights are prohibited except for in an emergency like changing a tire on the interstate or emergency vehicles

  • All lights visible from the front of the car should be white or amber - Glorails are not visible from the front.

  • All lights visible on the rear side of the car should be red - Depending on model these are side mounted

  • License plate illumination must be white

Yellow Glorails

Connecticut Laws Regarding Overglow and Underglow lights

Connecticut laws restrict all additional aftermarket vehicle lighting which includes neon overglow or underglow. In Connecticut neon overglow or underglow is illegal.

  • In the state of Connecticut it requires all non-mandatory vehicle lighting equipment to be certified, and according to website no manufacturers have certified the color or intensity of their products, meaning all neon overglow or underglow is considered illegal for now. We will develop a version of Glorails that will fall with in the state of Connecticut's requirements in the near future.

North Carolina

North Carolina's Laws Regarding Overglow and Underglow lights

North Carolina law does not restrict additional vehicle lighting which would include neon underglow or overglow. Therefore it’s our conclusion that in North Carolina neon underglow or overglow is not illegal, assuming you follow these restrictions:

  • Never use colors blue or red.

  • Do not display amber flashing lights.

  • White color visible from the back of the vehicle is not permitted

  • Do not flash your Glorails unless in an emergency for example changing out a tire on the highway
  • ​
(a) It is unlawful for any person to install or activate or operate a red light in or on any vehicle in this State [emergency vehicles excluded]
  • (c) It is unlawful for any person to possess a blue light or to install, activate, or operate a blue light in or on any vehicle in this State, except for a publicly owned vehicle used for law enforcement purposes or any other vehicle when used by law enforcement officers in the performance of their official duties. As used in this subsection, unless the context requires otherwise, “blue light” means any blue light installed on a vehicle after initial manufacture of the vehicle



Louisiana Laws Regarding Overglow and Underglow lights

Louisiana law does not prohibit using additional vehicle lighting which would include neon overglow or underglow. Therefore it’s our conclusion that in Louisiana neon overglow or underglow is not illegal, as long as you avoid the following restrictions:

  • Blue-colored lights are illegal

  • Flashing lights are not permitted.

  • Using neon lights of any color except white near license plate is not allowed.

  • Red or green light must not be visible from the front of the car.

  • Do not display any combination of white, red, and blue colored lights.

  • ​

  • B.  No person shall drive or move any vehicular

  • equipment upon any highway of this state with any lamp or device thereon displaying a red or green light visible from directly in front of the center thereof.

  • C.  Flashing lights are prohibited except on authorized emergency vehicles, school buses, or on any vehicle as a means of indicating a right or left turn, or the presence of a vehicular traffic hazard requiring unusual care in approaching, overtaking or passing.

  • D.  No person shall sell a dashboard, hood, vehicle front grill, or vehicle roof mounted emergency light that emits a blue or red glow, or that emits a glow in any combination of the colors red, white, and blue, to any person who is not a peace officer, a firefighter, or a person employed in the performance of emergency or public utility services.  No person shall possess such an emergency light except peace officers, firefighters, public utility, and emergency personnel.


California Laws Regarding Overglow and Underglow lights

California law allows additional aftermarket vehicle lighting which includes neon overglow or underglow. In California neon overglow or underglow is legal, as long as you follow these restrictions:
We advise to not use "Red" "Green" or "Blue" in this state with the RGB models even while these are side mounted .
However our "Red & Amber Signal Glorails" are legal in this state since they function like a turn signal.
RGB Models can be dimmed to this states legal standards.
Flashing colored lights are illegal except in an actual emergency or life threatening situation! "example" Changing flat tire on the interstate..
  • Red color may not be visible from the front of the car

  • No flashing lights are permitted

  • Underglow must not emit more than 0.05 candela per square inch

  • All aftermarket lights must not be installed within 12 inches of vehicle’s required lights

  • ​

  • This section applies to the color of lamps and to any reflector exhibiting or reflecting perceptible light of 0.05 candela or more per foot-candle of incident illumination. Unless provided otherwise, the color of lamps and reflectors upon a vehicle shall be as follows:

  • (a) The emitted light from all lamps and the reflected light from all reflectors, visible from in front of a vehicle, shall be white or yellow. [...]

  • (b) The emitted light from all lamps and the reflected light from all reflectors, visible from the rear of a vehicle, shall be red [...]

  • (c) All lamps and reflectors visible from the front, sides, or rear of a vehicle, except headlamps, may have any unlighted color, provided the emitted light from all lamps or reflected light from all reflectors complies with the required color.


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