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Illinois Laws Regarding
Over glow and Under glow lights
Illinois law restricts vehicles from having additional lighting not specified in the Vehicle Code. Therefore it’s our conclusion that in Illinois neon underglow is illegal.
All model Glorails are illegal in this state except for emergency vehicles.
Use this device at your own risk.
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Must Read
(b) Subject to the restrictions of this Act, flashing lights are prohibited on motor vehicles except as a means for indicating a right or left turn as provided in Section 12-208 or the presence of a vehicular traffic hazard requiring unusual care as expressly provided in Sections 11-804 or 12-215.
(c) Unless otherwise expressly authorized by this Code, all other lighting or combination of lighting on any vehicle shall be prohibited.
The use of red or white oscillating, rotating or flashing lights, whether lighted or unlighted, is prohibited except on:
Law enforcement vehicles of State, Federal or local authorities;
A vehicle operated by a police officer or county
Vehicles of local fire departments and State or federal firefighting vehicles;
Vehicles which are designed and used exclusively as ambulances or rescue vehicles